Soft Meal Charity Workshop🍲👴👵

Soft Meal Charity Workshop🍲👴👵

As we enter an era of "ageing society", the proportion of the elderly population is projected to rise to 30% in 2039^. Many elderlies are facing swallowing disorders nowadays, resulting in an increasing demand for mechanical soft diets.

To help elderlies👴👵 to regain the enjoyment of food, Shun Hing Cooking Centre collaborated with the founder of Sweet Stories - Chef Amy Cheng - to host a soft meal charity workshop💖 Apart from introducing the concept of soft meal diets to participants, Chef Amy demonstrates the culinary techniques for making "Pork Cutlet Rice with Tomato Sauce🍅🍛" as she incorporates one of the trending superfoods - Quinoa into her innovative dish🌾, allowing elderlies to enjoy the taste of fried foods🍳!

In this workshop, elderlies👴👵 and caregivers invited by Harmony Garden Lutheran Centre for the Elderly also learned how to cook "Chinese-style Beef Tenderloin" and "Cantonese Cream Corn Fish🌽" that are visually-pleasing, delicious🤤 and nutritious💕

Making soft meal foods may seem easy at first glance but actually requires a lot of efforts. Chef Amy shares valuable insights on soft meal making💡 in particular tips on selecting blenders. Taking Panasonic hand blender MX-SS1 as an example, she explains that hand blenders are easier to clean and more suitable for families that make soft meals in small portions.



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🏢 Address:20/F, Sino Cheer Plaza, 23-29 Jordan Road, Jordan, Kowloon (MTR Jordan Station Exit A)

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