Class Schedule

Saffron Oyster cream soup , Beef Enchiladas, Semi-baked salmon in Hollandaise sauce

Class code — WC20180104E


You think cooking is very cool, do you want to learn?You have to come to Shun Hing Coking Center !! In a relaxed and happy environment, tutor will teach Saffron Oyster cream soup, Beef Enchiladas. 
Student can learn the fun of cooking and taste the dish you made by yourself. Meanwhile, tutor Jason will demonstration of the Semi-baked salmon in hollandaise sauce. Try that feast was one of the best you ever had.

Practice:  Saffron Oyster cream soup , Beef Enchiladas

Demonstration:  Semi-baked salmon in Hollandaise sauce




* Customer who using the price of HK$680 to join our class, can come along with one friend or relative. (Share one portion of food ingredients and student table together)


* Customer who using the special price of HK$200 to join our class, can add HK$100 and come along with one friend or relative. (Share one portion of food ingredients and student table together)


* During the promotion period, Cooking Centre will provide 1 piece of apron as a free gift to each registered customer.

 Class date
2018-01-04 (Thu)


 Class Time
19:00 — 21:30


 Class Category Western Cuisine, Electric Oven, Induction Cooker
 Tutor Jason Chow
 No. of Student 15
 Status Enrollment has closed
 Language Cantonese


Related Products

Saffron Oyster cream soup , Beef Enchiladas, Semi-baked salmon in Hollandaise sauce

Class code — WC20180104E


You think cooking is very cool, do you want to learn?You have to come to Shun Hing Coking Center !! In a relaxed and happy environment, tutor will teach Saffron Oyster cream soup, Beef Enchiladas. 
Student can learn the fun of cooking and taste the dish you made by yourself. Meanwhile, tutor Jason will demonstration of the Semi-baked salmon in hollandaise sauce. Try that feast was one of the best you ever had.

Practice:  Saffron Oyster cream soup , Beef Enchiladas

Demonstration:  Semi-baked salmon in Hollandaise sauce




* Customer who using the price of HK$680 to join our class, can come along with one friend or relative. (Share one portion of food ingredients and student table together)


* Customer who using the special price of HK$200 to join our class, can add HK$100 and come along with one friend or relative. (Share one portion of food ingredients and student table together)


* During the promotion period, Cooking Centre will provide 1 piece of apron as a free gift to each registered customer.

 Class date
2018-01-04 (Thu)


 Class Time
19:00 — 21:30


 Class Category Western Cuisine, Electric Oven, Induction Cooker
 Tutor Jason Chow
 No. of Student WC20180104E味蕾三重奏-紅花生蠔忌廉湯、焗墨西哥芝士牛肉卷、荷蘭汁半熟焗三文魚 Saffron Oyster cream soup , Beef Enchiladas, Semi-baked salmon in Hollandaise sauce(04 Jan 2018 Thu 19:00-21:30)
 Status Enrollment has closed
 Language Cantonese


Related Products

Saffron Oyster cream soup , Beef Enchiladas, Semi-baked salmon in Hollandaise sauce

Class code — WC20180104E


You think cooking is very cool, do you want to learn?You have to come to Shun Hing Coking Center !! In a relaxed and happy environment, tutor will teach Saffron Oyster cream soup, Beef Enchiladas. 
Student can learn the fun of cooking and taste the dish you made by yourself. Meanwhile, tutor Jason will demonstration of the Semi-baked salmon in hollandaise sauce. Try that feast was one of the best you ever had.

Practice:  Saffron Oyster cream soup , Beef Enchiladas

Demonstration:  Semi-baked salmon in Hollandaise sauce




* Customer who using the price of HK$680 to join our class, can come along with one friend or relative. (Share one portion of food ingredients and student table together)


* Customer who using the special price of HK$200 to join our class, can add HK$100 and come along with one friend or relative. (Share one portion of food ingredients and student table together)


* During the promotion period, Cooking Centre will provide 1 piece of apron as a free gift to each registered customer.

 Class date
2018-01-04 (Thu)


 Class Time
19:00 — 21:30


 Class Category Western Cuisine, Electric Oven, Induction Cooker
 Tutor Jason Chow
 No. of Student WC20180104E味蕾三重奏-紅花生蠔忌廉湯、焗墨西哥芝士牛肉卷、荷蘭汁半熟焗三文魚 Saffron Oyster cream soup , Beef Enchiladas, Semi-baked salmon in Hollandaise sauce(04 Jan 2018 Thu 19:00-21:30)
 Status Enrollment has closed
 Language Cantonese


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